Via XXV Aprile, 52/b
26037 San Giovanni in Croce (CR)
Call valid for Italian Castles Award DCI-CR022 and World Castles Award WCA I-03031 "Villa Medici del Vascello" only from 01/Jun/2009.
I am active in: 6m, 10m, 12m, 15m, 17m, 20m, 30m, 40m, 80m and 160m
RTX: Elecraft K3, Flex 6400, Yaesu FT-847, and Yaesu FT-817 (portable).
Antenna UB-50, Iverted V 80/160m and LFA-2 6el. for 6m.
In this web site you will find:
- My Ham-Radio activities;
- My project and my pubblications;
- My little market: a web page where you will find used objects I want to sell;
- Some images related to my activity of Ham-Radio ;
- My personal curriculum vitae;
- Some curiosities about my QSL and my little village;
- The Log-on-line;
- The QSL polices.